Senior sessions
・1 location
・ up to 2 outfits
・private online gallery
・print release
・yearbook image emailed to school
・35 images

*all images professionally retouched

BotanicaCollection 1
・2 locations (within 15 mins of each other)
・up to 4 outfits
・private online gallery
・print release
・yearbook image emailed to school
・55 images

*all images professionally retouched

BotanicaCollection 2
・2 locations (within 15 mins of each other)
・up to 4 outfits
・private online gallery
・print release
・yearbook image emailed to school
・minimum 55 images
・print release
・10x10 keepsake album (holds 25 images)

*all images professionally retouched

BotanicaCollection 3

*Acne is retouched. Items like glasses glare, tan lines and bra straps are not included in retouching.

Rochester Senior Photographer




Q. When should I book my senior session?


I start booking senior sessions in April for the Summer. Sessions book up fast, don't


wait until it's too late!



Q: What location should I choose?


I have plenty of locations I will recommend depending on what look you like.



Q: What types of payment do you accept?


Cash, check or credit card. Payment is due on the day of the session.



Q: How long after my session can I expect to see images?


I will post a sneak peek on Facebook and Instagram within 24 hours. You can share as


you like.



Q: When is the best time for photos?


Don't worry about the clouds, clouds make for great lighting. Trust me for locations and


time of day. I know the summer before senior year is hectic.



The best time of day for light is 1 hour before the sunsets.



Q: How long will the sessions last?


Senior sessions last 45 minutes-1.5 hours depending on which collection you choose.



Q: Can I bring a friend or sibling?


Of course! We can take a few photos of you together.



Q: What if it rains?


I will watch the weather closely as your session approaches. If it looks like rain, we’ll


reschedule to a day/time as soon as possible.


Weddings • Families & Children

Seniors • Engagements
SPECIALIZES INRobin Fox Photography
TEL (585) 330-5984TOUCHGet inInfo@Robinfoxphotography.com250 N. Goodman Street #414
TEL (585) 330-5984TOUCHGet inInfo@Robinfoxphotography.com250 N. Goodman Street #414
Robin Fox Photography